Raghnall Insurance Broking, a leading provider of insurance and risk management services in India, today announced the launch of its new offering – Business Cyber Shield. This new-edge solution is designed to provide comprehensive cyber security solutions for businesses of all sizes. The launch of Business Cyber Shield is Raghnall’s commitment to provide the latest digital offerings that help its clients identify, mitigate, and manage the risks associated with the growing threat of cyber-attacks.

The Business Cyber Shield is an end-to-end solution that helps businesses identify potential cyber threats, assess the risk, and implement comprehensive security measures. This comprehensive offering includes a range of services, including vulnerability assessment, continuous monitoring, and incident response. The product is designed to be scalable, so it can be customised to meet the needs of businesses of all sizes, from small and medium enterprises (SMEs) to large corporations.

Mr. Amit Goel, Director of Raghnall Insurance Broking & Risk Management. Said, “Raghnall has a deep-rooted expertise in insurance and risk management, with a strong focus on innovation and digitalization. Our highly experienced team of experts has been at the forefront of protecting businesses against the ever-evolving cyber threats. With the launch of Business Cyber Shield, we are bringing our expertise and technology-driven approach to the next level, ensuring comprehensive protection for businesses of all sizes in India.”

Cyber risk is a reality for businesses of all sizes. By understanding these risks and taking steps to protect companies can mitigate the potential impact of a cyber incident and keep business running smoothly, informs Goel.
